Maintenance & Reliability Excellence Assessment at Oil & Gas Industry
As a result of the world’s oil & gas industry situation as well as the condition of our aging wells, one of the largest oil companies has recently re-emphasized the importance of production unit reliability to sustain company future business.
In light of this need, they have set Improvement of Maintenance and Reliability as one of the most important strategic drives to ensure its future.
To ensure the effectiveness of the improvement effort as well as understanding the pressure due to the short time frame /window for improvement they have decided to seek the support of consulting firms specializing in Maintenance & reliability improvement
Relogica has been selected to support this case on a very important journey.
Using the “Maintenance & Reliability Excellence” framework, we assessed their current maintenance & reliability management practice and performance to establish the baseline of each framework element. Those elements are : leadership,control, continuous improvement.
For more details, you can see the framework below :

Figure : Maintenance Excellence Framework
The Maintenance & Reliability Excellence assessment method consists of several phases such as the scheme below :

Figure : Maintenance & Reliability Excellence Assessment Method
In the initial phase a kick off is carried out to provide an introduction to the method used, introduce our team, agree on a schedule of project activities, and introduce the personnel of the client needed to be involved in the project.
The next step is conducting interviews with each key personnel for every role. Interview questions are prepared according to the best practices. This question is posed to the lowest role to top level management both in the head office and in off-shore. In addition, direct observation of maintenance practices in the field and validation of documentation or data system were carried out to strengthen the results of the assessment.
After the assessment and documentation data collection, the next step is to analyze the results of the assessment and compare it with the implementation of best practice. The results of this assessment can be seen from the spider chart for each element that is carried out assessment.
From the results of this spider chart we can benchmark the implementation of best practices to find out opportunities for possible improvements. To find out in more detail each pain point, a Maintenance and Reliability Assessment workshop with management and key personnel were carried out for each element.
The final phase of this project is to make a blue print project. This blueprint consists of various project charters which contain the objectives of the project charter, the team leader and members, the measure of success, the duration of the project, and the steps that must be carried out for each process.
In addition, we propose to clients to prioritize projects starting from doing a quick win first and continuing with other projects. In implementing those project charter, we are also able to assist and support each process so that the implementation process can take place properly and also involves key personnel from each process so that ownership and process improvement can occur consistently.